We had a great January 2025 meeting of Eastside Republican Club, including our annual business meeting and Glen Morgan of We The Governed as our special guest speaker.

The Club elected Doug Basler to once again serve as our president for 2025; he previously served as ERC President for 2020-2022 and 2024. Toby Nixon, former state representative and Kirkland city council member (and long-time ERC webmaster), was elected as Vice President. Kathleen Strong and Michael Scheele were re-elected as Secretary and Treasurer respectively.
Doug Basler, Derek Chartrand, Kerry French, Ruphina Nord, Michael Scheele, and Kathleen Strong were re-elected to additional two-year terms on the Board. Rick Jacobs, who we thanked for his service as a board member and vice president for 2024, stepped down from the board. Donna Barr, a long-time previous board member, was elected to a new two-year term. We thank them all for their willingness to serve (again)!
Also at the annual business meeting, Michael provided a Treasurer’s Report, informing us that the club is in healthy financial shape, pretty much breaking even with our dues and meeting fees covering the cost of venue rentals and other expenses. And Doug provided a President’s Report, focusing on his vision for growing the club membership in 2025. We look forward to all the great things ahead for the club this year!
Mark Your Calendar!
The February 2025 meeting of Eastside Republican Club will be on our usual second Tuesday, February 11. We’ll have another great guest speaker who will be announced shortly.
Time to Renew Your Membership!
If you have not already done so, please go to the Join page and renew your ERC membership for 2025. Of course, if you aren’t yet a member, we invite you to join! There are three membership levels: Basic $25, Silver $50, and Gold $100. Your dues help cover the cost of meeting location rental and other expenses of operating the club. We look forward to seeing you at our meetings!