The next meeting of Eastside Republican Club is Tuesday, September 14, 6:30-8:30PM, and our topic will be Education: Saving Our Schools and our kids from the pernicious advancement of progressivism. Once again we’ll meet at the beautiful Fairwood Golf & Country Club in Renton, 17070 140th Avenue SE. Please RSVP if you plan to attend!
The program features three excellent speakers who are on the front lines of this battle.

Sharon Hanek, known as “Research Mom”, is past President of the East Pierce Republican Women’s Club and currently serves as First Vice Chair of the Washington Federation of Republican Women. Sharon is the founder of My Family My Choice, a grassroots activist group to promote the rights of families. She believes that citizens getting involved can change our state and is committed to helping others learn to be a strong voice in their community and in politics.

Dawn Land is chair of the 30th Legislative District Republicans. She has been an outspoken advocate for stopping the sexualization of kids in public schools and normalizing transgenderism. She has opposed programs such as drag queens reading to kids in libraries and the availability of books in the Puyallup schools that encourage kids to explore their sexuality at a young age.

Karen Larsen is the current vice chair of the Pierce County Republican Party. In 2014 she co-founded Washington State Against Common Core, which grew to over 3,000 members and became part of a national coalition of parents in every state to fight the implementation of Common Core and the federal strings attached to it. More recently, she helped to found a local organization, My Family My Choice, in response to the many anti-family bills sponsored in 2019 including comprehensive sexuality education and statewide home visitation for all families.
Following remarks by each of the panelists, we’ll have a joint Q&A and discussion focused on what we can each do to make a difference. Join us to hear from these strong women who advocate for our schools and our kids!
If you plan to attend the meeting, please click RSVP to register, and pay online in advance so we can give a firm number of attendees to the country club. The cost is $15 per person to cover the cost of the meeting space, and includes dessert and coffee service.
Please mark your calendar now for our upcoming meetings and events. On October 12 our monthly meeting topic will be a preview of the general election, including opportunities to hear from candidates on the ballot. On November 9, we’ll have a post-election wrap-up and look ahead to 2022. And on December 4 we’ll have our Annual Holiday Banquet and Auction at the Lake Forest Park Civic Club on the shores of Lake Washington. We hope to see you at all of them!