Please join ERC at the Sheraton Bellevue Hotel (Note New Location for 2020!) at 6PM on January 7 when our speaker will be Caleb Heimlich, chairman of the Washington State Republican Party, for a look ahead to the 2020 legislative session and elections.

Caleb Heimlich has served as chair of the Washington State Republican Party since the beginning of 2018. Born and raised in Puyallup, the third of eight children, Caleb was home educated until he enrolled at age 17 in Running Start at Pierce Community College. He went on to graduate Hillsdale College Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Political Economy. Upon graduation, he worked for Americans for Prosperity in Washington DC and then for AFP in Washington State organizing grass-roots activists. That led to being hired as the Political Director of the WSRP in 2011, promoted to Executive Director in 2013 with the additional title of Chief of Staff in 2016. Caleb’s political experience includes running for office at the age of 23 in LD 25. Though unsuccessful in the primary, he immediately worked on the field team for the Pierce County Republican Party.
On January 7, ERC will also hold our Annual Business Meeting, electing board members as well as officers for 2020. Individuals who have been ERC members for at least the three months preceding the meeting will be eligible to vote. If you are interested in serving on the board, please email
Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Sheraton Bellevue Hotel (Note New Location for 2020!); click here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $25 per person and include dinner (but you get a $2 discount for paying online in advance). Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.