Happy New Year!
Please join us for the next meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, January 12, at 7:00 PM via Zoom and Facebook Live. There’s no cost to attend!
We’ll start with the Annual Business Meeting to elect ERC officers and board members for 2021. If you’re interested in serving, please email us at info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org and let us know!

After the short business meeting, we’ll hear from two fantastic guests: State Representative Jim Walsh (R-Aberdeen, 19th District) and former State Senator Mark Miloscia (R-Federal Way, 30th District) who is now the head of the Family Policy Institute of Washington. They will give us the inside information we need to be prepared for this year’s legislative session.
Please click RSVP to register, and we’ll email you the link to attend the Zoom meeting so you can ask questions of our guests and participate in voting. If you just want to watch, you can view the live stream of the meeting on the ERC Facebook page. You don’t need to be a member of Facebook to watch!
About the Annual Business Meeting
To be eligible to vote for our officers and board members during the business meeting, you will need to be a paying member of the club either by registering and paying by January 12 or being a paid member from 2020.
It is time for everyone to renew your membership as well. Membership prices are still only $25 Basic, $50 Silver, and $100 Gold. Please renew today so you don’t forget! You can join or renew your membership on the Join page.