March 5, 2019 Meeting – Christopher Rufo on Homelessness and Seattle Politics

Please join ERC at the Red Lion Bellevue at 6PM on March 5 when our speaker will be Christopher Rufo.  A Discovery Institute Research Fellow, filmmaker, and writer focused on cities, inequality, and social capital, Christopher has directed four documentaries for PBS — “Roughing It”, “Diamond in the Dunes”, “Age of Champions”, and “America Lost”. “Age of Champions” grossed $1.5 million and reached more than 3 million viewers on PBS, iTunes, Amazon, and Netflix.  He’s appeared on NPR, CNN, ABC, CBS, HLN, and FOX News, and his writing has appeared in National Review, The Federalist, Seattle Times, Crosscut, Puget Sound Business Journal, Filmmaker, and Indiewire.

Christopher Rufo
Christopher Rufo

Christopher is the Executive Director of the Documentary Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to producing and distributing documentaries about the American experience. His most recent film, “America Lost”, tells the story of families struggling for survival in three forgotten American cities.

Christopher is active in Washington State public policy, both as a plaintiff in the lawsuit against the City of Seattle’s income tax and as a board member for the Washington Policy Center Young Professionals. In September 2018 he announced his intention to challenge Mike O’Brien for a seat on the Seattle city council, but withdrew his candidacy in December after he and his family were subjected to extreme harassment and hatred by progressive activists.

Christopher graduated Magna Cum Laude from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and lives in Seattle with his wife and two children.

Here are links to Christopher Rufo’s article in the City Journal  and to a WPC podcast interview

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.


February 5, 2019 Meeting – State of the Union!

Late Breaking Change!

President Trump SOTUPlease join ERC at the Red Lion Bellevue at 6PM on February 5 to watch President Donald Trump deliver the State of the Union Address from the House chamber in Washington DC. We’ll have a light dinner, watch the address on a big-screen TV, and share our thoughts and comments with each other afterward. Doors will open at 5:30PM so everyone can arrive early and get settled in for the address.

Christopher Rufo, who had been scheduled to speak to us on February 5, has graciously agreed to accommodate the change in date for the State of the Union address and will instead be with us March 5.

Year of the PigHappy Lunar New Year to all our Asian friends!

Jun Tang, from the 1st Legislative District, is a principled conservative who had the great honor of speaking at Donald Trump’s rally in Everett in 2016.  He will speak on how people of Chinese descent support conservative principles and want to work with other Americans to make our state and county a better place. Click Here to read Jun Tang’s remarks.

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 5:30PM (special start time for this month), and the program begins at 6:00PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.


January 8, 2019 Meeting – Kirby Wilbur and Annual Business Meeting

Please join ERC at the Red Lion Bellevue at 6PM on January 8 when our speaker will be Kirby Wilbur for a retrospective on 2018 and the lessons learned. He will also offer a look ahead in 2019, including the latest on heroin-injection sites and gun rights in Washington (I-1639 and Ferguson’s Wish List). Join us for a light dinner buffet at 6:00 at the Bellevue Red Lion.

Kirby Wilbur
Kirby Wilbur

Kirby Wilbur moved to Seattle from Washington DC at the age of 8 and graduated from Queen Anne High School and the University of Washington with a degree in history. He has been active in politics since high school. He was state chairman of the Young Republicans (1979-1981), and has been a delegate or alternate delegate to eight national Republican conventions. Kirby was a familiar voice on talk radio on KVI between 1993 and 2009. After leaving KVI, he became state director of Americans for Prosperity, and then was elected chairman of the Washington State Republican Party in 2011. He left that position in July, 2013, to become executive director of the National Journalism Center in Reston, Virginia. Kirby returned to KVI in 2016. Kirby and his wife Trina met working on Ronald Reagan’s campaign and have two sons.

On January 8, ERC will also hold our Annual Business Meeting, electing board members as well as officers for 2019. Individuals who have been ERC members for at least the three months preceding the meeting will be eligible to vote. If you are interested in serving on the board, please email

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.


October 2, 2018 Meeting – Business and the Regulatory State

Our speaker for the October 2nd meeting with be Gary Smith, Executive Director of the Redmond-based Independent Business Association. IBA is the largest broad-based small business organization based in Washington State, helping over 4200 small business owners. IBA publishes the monthly Small Business Report sent to IBA members across Washington State as well as a number of special reports on specific issues affecting small businesses.

Gary Smith
Gary Smith

Gary is an expert on small businesses and the regulations with which they are burdened.  He has lobbied on behalf of small businesses for over 45 years.  On a national level, he attended the 1980 White House Conference on Small Business and attended the President’s signing of the Regulatory Flexibility Act for Small Businesses.  In Washington State, he has been an expert on the Governor’s state Small Business Conference for government regulations and convinced Governor Gregoire to issue an Executive Order to stop imposing new regulations on small businesses in 2010.  Gary has been a speaker on government regulations for Washington Policy Center’s Small Business Issues conference.  He has an outstanding show-and-tell on the regulations small businesses in Washington State must comply with.

At the October meeting, we will also receive campaign updates from several Republican legislative candidates.

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.


September 4, 2018 Meeting – Fixing a Broken Education System

When a free and prosperous nation has citizens voting for socialists, tearing down historical monuments, and violently disrupting free speech, then something is broken.

Please join us on September 4 when the topic will be “Fixing a Broken Education System.” The discussion will focus on school choice, restoring parental control, the dangerous school-to-work pipeline, and returning to an accurate, knowledge-based curriculum designed to prepare children to be self-governing citizens in a free and sovereign nation.

Liv Finne
Liv Finne

Liv Finne is the Director of the Center for Education at Washington Policy Center. Prior to that position she served as an adjunct scholar focusing on education policy issues, authoring in-depth studies including An Overview of Public School Funding in Washington and Early Learning Proposals in Washington State. She is the author of Washington Policy Center’s Education Reform Plan: Eight Practical Ways to Improve Public Schools, Learning Online: An Assessment of Online Public Education Programs, Review of Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Programs for Child Care Services, and more.

Vicki Alger
Vicki Alger

Vicki Alger is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute in Oakland, California, and author of the book Failure: The Federal “Misedukation” of America’s Children. She holds Senior Fellowships at the Fraser Institute, headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, and the Independent Women’s Forum in Washington, D.C. Alger is also President and CEO of Vicki Murray & Associates LLC in Scottsdale, Arizona. She served on President-elect Trump’s Transition Agency Review team for the U.S. Department of Education.

Meeting Materials

This handout provides lots of ideas how you can protect your children and grandchildren from indoctrination, data collection, invasive surveys, group-think and more.

The Women of Washington Focus Group on Education has compiled this summary of some of the challenges parents face when protecting their children (data collection, personalized learning, socialized learning, school-to-work etc.)

Freedom Center has a published an excellent brochure called Leftist Indoctrination in our K-12 Public Schools. Give copies to friends and family. Send to people and agencies responsible for education (school superintendents, board members and teachers). Provide copies to legislators.

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.


No August Meeting — Enjoy Your Summer!

Thanks to the more than 90 people who joined us at the ERC Picnic on July 10 and the sell-out crowd for the showing of “Death of a Nation” on July 31! We had a great time and hope you did, too. If you missed our special preview showing of the movie, it opens in theaters nationwide on Friday!

Liv Finne
Liv Finne

Please join us on September 4 when the topic will be “Fixing a Broken Education System.” Liv Finne, Director of the Center for Education at Washington Policy Center, will be joined by several other speakers. The discussion will focus on school choice, restoring parental control, the dangerous school-to-work pipeline and returning to an accurate, knowledge-based curriculum designed to prepare children to be self-governing citizens in a free and sovereign nation.


June 5, 2018 Meeting – Public-Sector Labor Unions and the First Amendment

Public-sector unions use compulsory dues to elect Democrat candidates, support liberal causes, and bargain for salaries, pensions and accommodations not available to most of the taxpayers who are forced to pay for them.

Caleb Jon Vandenbos
Caleb Jon Vandenbos

The Supreme Court is about to rule on the Janus v. AFSCME case; see the article here for details. A positive verdict in the case will restore the First Amendment freedoms of those currently forced to join public-sector unions, and could potentially reduce the amount of money that flows to liberal candidates and causes. At our meeting, Caleb Jon Vandenbos of Freedom Foundation will discuss the upcoming decision and implications of the Janus case.

Caleb Heimlich
Caleb Heimlich

Also at our June meeting, Caleb Heimlich, recently-elected Chair of the Washington State Republican Party, will discuss the very important 2018 election.

Note: We will have our book exchange at the meeting (cash or check only for purchases). Thanks to all who have donated! Proceeds will purchase school supplies for children from disadvantaged communities. This will also be the final meeting to bring unused toiletry and hygiene items for donation to YouthCare which supports homeless teens.

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.



May 1, 2018 Meeting – Property Rights and Gun Rights

The May 1, 2018 monthly meeting of Eastside Republican Club will continue our focus from last month on fundamental civil and human rights with a discussion on Property Rights and Gun Rights, including how they are threatened in our current political climate.

Glen Morgan
Glen Morgan

Our speaker on property rights will be Glen Morgan, who is Executive Director of Citizens Alliance for Property Rights. He served as the Grassroots Director and the Property Rights Director at Freedom Foundation from 2011 until January 2015. He blogs at We The Governed, and enjoys creating videos documenting Big Government’s abuses of citizens – particularly on property rights issues. He is a frequent writer and speaker on property rights, the environmental movement, Big Government, and the importance of citizen activism. He enjoys exploring policy issues in local government and exposing government corruption and incompetence which impacts all of us.

Boyd Kneeland
Boyd Kneeland

Our speaker on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms will be Boyd Kneeland, immediate past president of Washington Arms Collectors, sponsor of the largest gun shows in the state. He is Projects Director at Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and previously served as Communications Director at Second Amendment Foundation. He is assistant treasurer for Gun Owners Action League, an NRA Training Counselor and certified firearms instructor of more than 20 years, and served as a Director and Chief Instructor at Snoqualmie Valley Rifle Club. He works in the tech industry, and has lived in Bellevue since 1976.

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting. If you are able, please bring unused toiletry items and dental samples for homeless youth at risk for trafficking, as well as books you would like to donate to the upcoming book exchange.



April 3, 2018 Meeting – First Amendment Freedoms Panel

Tim Eyman
Tim Eyman

The April 3, 2018 monthly dinner meeting of Eastside Republican Club will feature a panel discussion on all five Freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution — freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and to petition the government. Speakers will include Tim Eyman of Voters Want More Choices, Matthew Carlson, Marty McClendon of the “Eyes on Washington” program on 1590AM,

Joseph Backholm
Joseph Backholm

Joseph Backholm of Family Policy Institute of Washington, College Republicans, and more. It will be a great opportunity to learn about and discuss these fundamental principles, while enjoying the company of like-minded Republicans.

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly dinner meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. 

Marty McClendon
Marty McClendon

Dinner is served at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting. Monthly dinner meetings cost $20 per person. If you are able, please bring unused toiletry items and dental samples for homeless youth at risk for trafficking, as well as books you would like to donate to the book exchange (which will be at the May meeting).



March 6, 2018 Meeting – Former Police Chief Bill Cooper on Terrorism, Active Shooter Situations, and Winning Elections in Democrat-controlled Districts

On March 6, the Club welcomes back Bill Cooper. Mr. Cooper is a retired Chief of Police, who served in senior management in Corporate Security at Microsoft and T-Mobile before becoming a professor at Northwest University.  Bill holds an MBA and second Master’s Degree in Public Administration. He founded Cooper Management Institute, is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and has authored 7 books and coauthored 3 others. Bill is a terrorism expert who has presented to local, state, and federal organizations, detailing the realities of terrorism, emphasizing it in the United States.

Bill will speak about the current issues in terrorism, focusing on threats, concerns and attack potential in America and how to respond during active shooter incidents.  Time permitting, Bill, current Chair of the 1st Legislative District Republicans and former Snohomish County Republican Chair, will provide his unique strategies for winning 80% of the races in 2017 in a 60/40 Democrat district.

Eastside Republican Club’s monthly dinner meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevueclick here for location information and directions. Dinner is served at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting. Monthly dinner meetings cost $20 per person. If you are able, please bring unused toiletry items and dental samples for homeless youth at risk for trafficking, as well as books you would like to donate to the book exchange (which will be at the May meeting).

