Some say that education will be the issue for the 2020 campaign. It should be! While we created a strong and prosperous economy, built communities and raised families, utopians have been hard at work as well. In their long march through our institutions, they have taken over media, the courts, universities, entertainment, corporations, charities and even the churches. In our schools, our children are being steeped in socialism, oppression studies, climate alarmism, moral relativism and multiculturalism. They are being dumbed down, sexualized, surveilled and marketed. What is happening in our schools is nothing short of child abuse and treason.
Whether you have children or grandchildren in the system doesn’t matter. This affects all of us! Government schools are how we get people like AOC elected. It is how they can propose policies like the Green New Deal and produce voters who never question how much it will cost us when everything they offer is “free!”
Please join us at 6PM on September 3 at the Red Lion Bellevue to learn about how you can fight back and save our children and in so doing, restore this nation. We can make a difference!
We will be viewing a dramatization of James Clavell’s short story The Children’s Story. Chilling! Following that, ERC board member Marty McClendon will lead an outstanding panel of experts including the following education experts:
J.R. Wilson has more than 30 years of experience working in public education. In addition to being an elementary school principal, he has taught every grade kindergarten through sixth grade and middle and high school math. He earned an M.Ed. and an Ed.S. at the University of Georgia. He has worked as a curriculum specialist, as a staff development coordinator and has helped write science and math standards. He served on the Washington state Where’s the Math? Executive Committee. Mr. Wilson participated in the U.S. Coalition for World Class Math review of the Common Core State Standards Initiative. He is one of the co-founders of Truth in American Education and currently blogs at The Underground Parent.

Jorge Ramos will lead us through how to opt out of some of the most egregious programs. He joined Pacific Justice Institute as the full-time staff attorney to open their Seattle office in 2018. He received his law degree from Seattle University School of Law in 2010 and was admitted to the Washington State Bar in 2011. His seven years of expertise in various jurisdictions, practicing many areas of law, complements PJI’s desire to take on the many religious liberties issues emerging in Washington State.

Karen Larson will take us though how we can support homeschooling as an alternative to government schools. She understands homeschool laws and can explain how to transition children from government schools to homeschooling.
Eastside Republican Club’s monthly meetings are held at Red Lion Hotel Bellevue; click here for location information and directions. Monthly meetings cost $20 per person and include a light buffet. Food and networking are at 6:00PM, and the program begins at 6:30PM. Please RSVP online if you plan to attend the upcoming meeting.