Please join us for the monthly meeting of Eastside Republican Club on Tuesday, March 12, at 6:30 PM. We’ll meet at the Hilton Garden Inn, 16630 Redmond Way in Redmond (note new location for 2024!). See the Location page for driving directions, a map, and parking information. Food is available from the Fork and Spoke restaurant in the hotel, which is open from 5-9PM for dinner; you can preview the menu on ZMenu. Please RSVP if you plan to attend!
Guest Speakers: Tony Gill and Dave Workman

We’re pleased to welcome back long time friend of Eastside Republican Club, Anthony (Tony) Gill. A professor of political science at the University of Washington, Tony is a frequent contributor to the American Institute for Economic Research, and a member of the Mont Pelerin Society (founded by Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, and others). In addition to receiving the 1999 UW Distinguished Teaching Award and 2006 Time Magazine Person of the Year, he was also an expert witness in Borders v King County dealing with the 2004 gubernatorial election recount (Tony was on the losing side of that court case). Find out more fun facts about this prolific professor of politics and puppets at https://anthonygill.org. Tony will address us on student preparation and the lowering of standards, academic misconduct by faculty (beyond the Harvard Gay scandal), and the impact of DEI policies on free speech.

We’re also pleased to welcome back Dave Workman, editor-in-chief of TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press in Bellevue, and is the Communications Director for the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. and the Second Amendment Foundation. A career journalist, Dave is widely regarded as an authority on firearms and gun rights. He authored a book titled “Washington State Gun Rights and Responsibilities” in the 1990s with the final edition appearing in 2012. He has authored Op-Ed pieces in several major national newspapers, and he has co-authored seven books with Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. He also writes a monthly column on “2A Defense” for GUNS Magazine, and a weekly on-line column for “American Handgunner.” His articles have also appeared in Northwest Sportsman, where he writes a monthly column on guns and hunting, and his byline has also appeared in GUN WORLD, American Shooting Journal, Fishing & Hunting News, Gun Digest and other publications. Dave is a certified firearms instructor and has taught firearms and self-defense at Highline Community College. Please join us to hear from Dave on threats to our 2nd amendment rights and actions you can take to defend them!
Please RSVP!
If you plan to attend the meeting, please click RSVP to register, and pay online in advance. The cost is $15 per person ($10 for College Republicans and Young Republicans) to cover the cost of the meeting space. Food is available from the Fork and Spoke restaurant in the hotel, which is open from 5-9PM for dinner; you can preview the menu on ZMenu.